  1. Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
  2. Prof. Shamsher, Vice Chancellor, HB Technical University, Kanpur
  3. Prof. Vinay Pathak, Vice Chancellor, CSJM University, Kanpur
  4. Prof. P. K. Mishra, Vice Chancellor, Abdul Kalam Technical University, LKO
  5. Prof. J.S.P. Rai , Vice Chancellor, JUET & Former Director, HBTI Kanpur
  6. Prof. Dr. Shishir Sinha, Director General, CIPET, Chennai.
  7. Prof. A.S.K. Sinha, Director, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology
  8. Dr. Rachna Asthana, Director, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology for Handicapped, Kanpur.
  9. Prof. Ashutosh Sharma , Former Secy., Dept. of Science & Technology, GOI
  10. Padma Vibhushan Prof. M.M. Sharma
  11. Padmashri Prof. G.D. Yadav, Prof. of Eminence, ICT University of Bombay
  12. Prof. Dr. G.N. Mathur, Former Professor, HBTI Kanpur
  13. Mr. Sujoy Choudhury, Director - Planning & Business Development, IOCL.
  14. Mr. Subhasendu Chatterjee, Whole Time Director, Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd.
  15. Mr. Ranjan Mahapatra, Director, Indian Oil Corp Ltd.
  16. Mr. D.P. Patra, Director, MCPI (PTA) Pvt. Ltd.
  17. Mr. Raj Kumar Lohia, CMD, Lohia Corps, Kanpur
  1. Prof. Nasib Qureshi, ARS, Deptt of Agriculture, USA & Fellow of AIChE, AIC, SIMB
  2. Dr. Veera Boddu, US Environmental Protection Agency, Govt. of USA & Fellow, AIChE
  3. Mr. D. M. Butala, President, IIChE
  4. Prof. M. K. Jha, Immdt Past President, IIChE & Dept of Chem Engg, NIT, Jalandhar
  5. Prof. Animangshu Ghatak, Chemical Engineering Dept., IIT Kanpur
  6. Prof. Jayant K. Singh, HOD, Chemical Engineering Dept., IIT Kanpur
  7. Prof. Vinod C. Malshe, Former Prof. ICT, University of Bombay
  8. Prof. Binay K. Dutta, Visiting Prof. IIT, KGP & Former Chairman WBPCB, Former President IIChE
  9. Prof. Parameswar De, Former President, IIChE& Past Prof. Chem. Eng. Calcutta University
  10. Prof. Vinay Srivastava, Former President, IIChEand Adjunct Prof. IIT Bombay
  11. Prof. Vimal Katiyar, Chemical Engineering Dept. IIT, Guwahati
  12. Prof. Anil Verma, Chemical Engineering Dept. IIT, Delhi
  13. Prof. C. Karthikeyan, VicePresident,IIChE& Dept of Chem Engg, Annamalai Univ, Chennai
  14. Prof. Basab Chaudhury , Director, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata and Former VC, WBSU
  15. Dr. Bristi Mitra , Director, UIET, CSJM University,Kanpur
  16. Dr. Neetu Singh, Chemical Engineering Dept. Thapar IET, Patiala
  17. Mr. Dhananjay Srivastava, Executive Director, Indian Oil Corp Ltd. Mumbai
  18. Prof. M. Venkateswara Rao,VicePresident, IIChE& Dept of Chem Engg, RVR&JC College of Engg, Guntur
  19. Dr. Avijit Ghosh, Honorary Secretary, IIChEand Asst. Prof. Chem. Engs. Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata
  20. Mr. Shashikant Pokale, Hony Jt. Secy, IIChE
  21. Prof. Bishnupada Mandal, Hony Treasurer, IIChE & Dept of Chem Engg, IIT, Guwahati
  22. Mr. Praveen Saxena, Hony. Registrar, IIChE & Director Blast Carboblocks, Mumbai
  23. Dr. Madhu Agarwal, Honorary Controller of Exams, IIChE
  24. Mr. Raj Kumar Ghosh, Cluster President, Reliance Industries Ltd., Mumbai
  25. Prof. S.P. Chaurasia , Chem. Engg. Dept., MNIT, Jaipur
  26. Mr. Sunil Agarwal, Managing Director, Kamdhenu Ltd., Gurugram
  27. Mr. S.H. Prakash, Managing Director, Babcock Power, Asia Pacific, Chennai
  28. Mr. AshviniHiran, Managing Director, IRC Agrochemical, Kolkata
  29. Mr. Anil Bhatia , Managing Director, Emerson Automation Solution, Mumbai
  30. Mr. Samir Rawal, IOD Regional Business Director, Indorama Ventures, Mumbai
  31. Mr. Kamlesh Parwani, Commercial Director MEGlobal , Dubai,UAE
  32. Mr. Dipankar Pal, Managing Director, Roofsol Solar Energy, Mumbai
  33. Dr. A.R. Ghosal, Director, Development Consultant Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
  34. Mr. Ujjal De, Director (Sales & Marketing), Lohia Corp Ltd.,Kanpur
  35. Mr. Debabrata Ghosh, Vice President & Sales Director, Oerlikon Barmag-India, Mumbai
  36. Mr. Alok Srivastava,Director, Enceladus General Trading, Dubai, UAE
  37. Mr. Amitava Banerjee, Chief Operating Officer, Garden Silk Mills Ltd., Surat
  38. Mr. Anil Sharma, Executive Officer, Marubeni India, New Delhi
  39. Mr. Yogi Sarin, Managing Director, Petron Scientech, New Jersey, USA
  40. Mr. Rajesh Gupta, Global Sales Director (Adhesives), Eastman Chemicals, Atlanta, USA
  41. Mr. Samir Banerjee, Senior Advisor Flexible Packaging Industry, New Delhi
  42. Mr. Ashok Panjwani, Executive Director, United Phosphorus Ltd., Ankleswar
  43. Mr. Shyam Bang, Former Executive Director, Jubilant Life Sciences and Former President IIChE, Delhi
  44. Mr. Suresh Padmanabhan, Sr. V.P. - Global Tech Head (PET), Indorama Ventures Ltd., Bangkok
  45. Prof. Rakesh K. Trivedi, Chairman, LOC & Oil Tech. Dept., HBTU, Kanpur.
  46. Prof. Yogesh M. Joshi, Vice Chairman, LOC & Chem. Engg. Dept., IIT, Kanpur
  47. Dr. Umesh Chandra Sharma, Organising Secretary and Convenor NOC, Kanpur
  48. Mr. Arvind Singh Sahney, Executive Director, IOCL, New Delhi
  49. Mr. Alok Pandit, CEO, Equinox Software Services and Chairman, IIChe, Pune
  50. Mr. Biswanath Chattopadhyay, CEO, IVL Dhunseri Petrochem Industries, Kolkata - Chairman, NOC